Lexicon Manual

The place to learn everything about Lexicon. Be sure to read about the Lexicon workflow.

Track Browser

The track browser is your main Lexicon screen where you can view and edit all your tracks. Click any field twice to edit it.

Editing in more detail or with Recipes can be done by right clicking any track and choosing Edit.

Keyboard Controls

Tab: Jump to the next field of the current track

Cmd or Ctrl + Home: Jump to the first field of the current track

Cmd or Ctrl + End: Jump to the last field of the current track

Cmd or Ctrl + Arrow Up: Jump to the same field of the track above

Cmd or Ctrl + Arrow Down: Jump to the same field of the track below

Visible Columns

You can enable more visible columns by right clicking any column header.

Track Previews

You can show a waveform preview for each track. These previews are clickable and will play the track instantly, by default for 10 seconds. You can change this in the settings. Pressing the ESC button will also stop the preview.

Waveform previews are generated automatically when you play a track or when you analyze them with the "Waveform" checkbox enabled. If you change your waveform colors in the settings, you will notice your waveform previews do not change. You need to re-analyze them for those to update.

You can safely run the waveform analysis on your entire library, it will only add or update waveforms if they are missing or if you changed the colors.


To search in the track browser, hover your mouse over one of the column headers, e.g. TITLE. This way you can search in every column, or multiple columns at a time.

In number fields like BPM or Energy you have a few extra options:

Operator Example Notes
> > 150 Greater than
< < 150 Smaller than
>= >= 150 Greater than or equals
<= <= 150 Smaller than or equals
- 120-150 Between
! !150 Not

Searching Keys

Keys are automatically converted when you search. For example, when you search for 4M, it will show tracks that have the key Am since these two keys are the same but in a different format.

Searching Dates

You can search in date fields (like Last Played) by using the YYYY-MM-DD format, for example: 2022-04-10. You can also use the > and < operators here (see above table).

Searching Custom Tags

You can only search for full custom tag labels. Any partial match will not give any results. This is for performance reasons to make sure the track browser is always very fast.


You can sort by any colum by clicking the drag handle when you hover over a column header. Clicking the sort arrow until it disappears will give you the original order of the playlist.

Tag Sorting

Tags are sorted by amount of tags that each track has.