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Lexicon Manual

The place to learn everything about Lexicon. Be sure to read about the Lexicon workflow.

Importing Your VirtualDJ Library

Lexicon has direct integration into the VirtualDJ database.

Importing is easy, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure VirtualDJ is closed
  2. Open Lexicon
  3. Go to the Sync page and then click Import tracks & playlists
  4. Select VirtualDJ
  5. Leave the other settings at their default
  6. Click Start importing
  7. Start using Lexicon!

Tracks in folder playlists

Lexicon does not support tracks inside a parent folder so during import Lexicon will create special playlists called _FolderTracks containing the parent crate tracks.

Why doesn't Lexicon support tracks inside a parent folder? Because it is a bad organizational practice. Your parent folder would become an unorganized mess and it's impossible to know which tracks belong there and which belong in a sub-playlist. It's always better to create a new playlist, even if you're going to use it as a messy/unorganized playlist on purpose.