Lexicon Manual

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Beatshift Correction

The Beatshift Correction scan happens automatically during import and sync

Converting your library causes cue points and beatgrids to shift on some files that are encoded in a certain way. Every DJ software treats these uncommon files differently. This problem looks something like the below waveform.

shifted beatgrid

This problem may occur after importing from a DJ app or when converting to a DJ app.

Your tracks are automatically corrected if this problem is detected. If you still encounter this in any of your tracks, they are most likely missed by the scan. The Beatshift Fixer can help there.

Beatshift Fixer

Sometimes you may encounter MP3s that are not properly corrected and you still notice a shift after import or syncing. Sadly, these tracks are not detected by the scanner so there is no automatic correction for them. The way to solve it for these (or any MP3) files is to use the Beatshift Fixer utility.

You'll find the Beatshift Fixer in the top menu bar under Utility

The Beatshift Fixer will re-encode your MP3s to so they are no longer affected by the beatshift problem.

Existing tracks with cues and beatgrids

Running the Beatshift Fixer on tracks that already have cues and beatgrids may cause them to shift one final time. After this, you can adjust beatgrids and use the Quantize Cues recipe to automatically put the cues back on the grid.

New tracks & automatic fixing

The Beatshift Fixer has a global option to always re-encode newly added MP3s. This is the easiest way to use this utility as it will be fully automatic when you drag tracks into Lexicon or when they are added with the Watch Folder. When you start adding cues or beatgrids, the MP3s will already be re-encoded so there is no chance of a shift occurring.